Protecting Your Place

Three Advantages Of A CO2 Fire Suppression System

5 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Installing a fire suppression system in your commercial building can be instrumental in keeping blazes under control should they ever occur. There are many different types of fire suppression systems, each of which has a series of advantages that may appeal to your specific situation. A common type of system dispenses water when there's a fire, but water isn't the only way to put out a fire. There are many systems that dispense carbon dioxide, or CO2. Read More …

3 Signs You Could Use Security Guard Services

14 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you manage a company, you can be faced with a great deal of loss, ranging from daily thefts to ongoing problems with employees oversampling your products. However, with the right security guard team in place, you can prevent problems and enjoy a stronger business. Here are three signs you could use security guard services.  1. You've Noticed Empty Packages If you have spotted empty product packages around your business, it might not be a simple return that an employee forgot to clean up after. Read More …

Having An Event Soon? Top Ways A Security Guard Can Help

28 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the ways to help your business thrive and grow may rest in having special events. This can drive in more crowds and is the key to enjoying more success. It's vital to think about the ways you should make this day less stressful. Adding event security guards to assist you during you event should be a top priority, as the safety of your guests should always be a number one concern. Read More …

A Guide To Working With A Top-Notch Security Company

22 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you are putting together any sort of company, you always need to be sure that you have set aside enough money in your budget for all of the safeguards that you need. Regardless of what sort of business you are running, you need to earmark a good amount of money for your security. Failing to dedicate the proper amount for security can leave your business open to unnecessary risks that can be costly and even dangerous. Read More …

3 Questions To Ask When Hiring Security Guards To Protect Your Apartment Community

7 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

As the owner of an apartment community, you probably want to do everything you can to make sure that your residents feel safe and secure at all times. An excellent way to do this is to hire a couple of security guards to protect your apartment community day and night. Here are a few questions to ask when choosing a security company to work with: Do Hourly Rates Fluctuate? The hourly rates of a company's security guards can vary for a variety of reasons such as the time of day a guard will be on duty. Read More …

About Me
Protecting Your Place

Protecting your home and family is crucial, which is why many people invest in security systems. However, if you are shopping for home security for the first time, you might wonder what you need to choose to keep people safe. From systems that automatically arm to units that can be controlled from your smartphone, there's no telling just how much help the right security system could be. Choosing a system should start with carefully evaluating your level of risk and your monthly budget. When you are looking for a new security system, check out this website for lots more information.
